A few years ago while flying on a plane with my three year old daughter, we encountered quite a bit of turbulence. The plane shook. Her drink, that she had not yet touched, spilled a little bit. I could tell she was scared.
The captain asked the flight attendants to take their seats and for everyone to remain seated.
At that time, there had been some uncertainty about the safety of a certain type of aircraft around the globe. So I have to admit, I was a little uncomfortable with the disruption in what had otherwise been an uneventful flight.
As I looked down at my sweet girl, trying my best not to show any amount of worry on my face, she took my hand and said, “Mommy, I’m scared! Hold my hand to keep me safe.”
I did and she felt secure, despite the fact that our circumstances did not change at all.
I smiled at her, knowing that God does the exact same thing with us.
How is your view of God dependent on your present situation?
I have to refocus my thoughts on God often or my answer to the previous question is not what I want it to be.
Do you really believe that God cares?
Do you believe that He loves you?
Do you believe that you aren’t walking through this circumstance on your own?
When we feel like life is rocky and throwing us for a loop, we can become disoriented, frustrated or worried.
But God, in His infinite wisdom and knowledge, takes us by the hand and says, “I’ve got this!” He takes our hand and if we let him comforts us with His peace.
He sees what we cannot.
Just like me taking my daughter’s hand did nothing to improve or change our situation, it showed her she was loved and cared for in that moment.
God wants to do the same thing for us if we let Him!
Did you know that you are wholly and dearly loved, set apart from the very beginning of your being to bring glory and honor to God?
He shows us, even when our circumstances do not seem certain that he is in control and that we do not need to be anxious.
For me, reading my Bible always fills me with promises that God is far bigger than my present struggle and will always see me through. (Check out this list of promises!)
Prayer, connecting with the Father, also provides me with the comfort I seek when life seems a bit turbulent. It does not have to be fancy or long.
He wants us to turn to Him!
Offer your worries to the Father and know that He is holding your hand through whatever you are facing, ready to comfort you.
6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV)
I am praying God shows you a glimpse of His goodness today as you seek Him in all your anxious thoughts.
You are loved sweet mama!

About the Author
Hi! I’m Melissa Emerson, a wife, a mom of four, and author of Mostly Thriving. I am passionate about helping others thrive in their homes, in their motherhood and in their self-confidence. I know that to thrive we have to continue to learn every day. I promise to be real, vulnerable and authentic as we learn together how to live a life that’s Mostly Thriving.
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