As women, we all have insecurities, doubts, and fears. We all want to be loved, liked and accepted. From an early age we learn to define ourselves based on how others perceive us, rather than focusing on the only Truth that matters.
Today I want you to focus on believing you are loved, worthy and whole-heartedly accepted! I want you to unlearn the lies that have been whispered in your ear by unraveling them one at a time and combating them with Truth from God’s Word.
No matter what you believe about yourself or what lies you’ve been holding on to, I hope you will soak in these Truths. Say them out loud to yourself as often as you need! We believe the things we say and if we say them often enough they become embedded into our core (the reverse is also true of negative self-talk).
Read these truths out loud. When you’ve read them once, go back and look up the verses linked to reveal the scripture behind this truth.
I am BEAUTIFUL. (Song of Solomon 1:15)!
I am STRONG enough to get through anything that comes my way (Ps. 18:35)!
I am WORTHY enough to be dearly loved. (Matthew 6:26)
I am PATIENT enough to get through the frustrations that I face on a daily basis. (Galatians 5:22)
I am GOOD enough to help someone else in a time of need. (Ps. 31:19)
I am SMART enough to solve problems that come my way. (Proverbs 2:6)
I amVALUED enough to be heard when I speak. (Mark 4:24)
I am FUN enough to have a great time with my friends. (Ps. 118:24)
I am IMPORTANT. (1 Peter 2:9).
I am INFLUENTIAL enough to make a difference in this world and in the hearts of my children! (Matthew 5:13-16)
I am EMPOWERED. (Phil. 4:13).
I am PRECIOUS. (1 Cor. 6:20)!
I am FORGIVEN enough to erase any wrong-doing that I’ve ever done (Ps. 103:3-4).
I am UNIQUE enough that God did not make another person like me ever in the world (Ps. 139:13)
I am SPECIAL enough to be chosen by God to do great things (Eph. 2:10).
One of my favorite songs of all times is called “Known”. In the song it talks about how God knows us FULLY and LOVES us deeply. I hope you are encouraged by hearing this beautiful song!
Don’t let the enemy steal the joy of these years you have to share with those God puts in your life. They pass too quickly. Instead, pray through the difficult times, allow God to be your source of energy when yours runs out, and don’t be afraid to ask for help.
Always remember that you are ENOUGH because God made you exactly who you are and you are dearly loved by Him!!

About the Author
Hi! I’m Melissa Emerson, a wife, a mom of four, and author of Mostly Thriving. I am passionate about helping others thrive in their homes, in their motherhood and in their self-confidence. I know that to thrive we have to continue to learn every day. I promise to be real, vulnerable and authentic as we learn together how to live a life that’s Mostly Thriving.
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